Master Product Presentations with Guided Sales Techniques



In an increasingly hectic and complex world, “how to sell a product” risks becoming a very complex question. Let’s start from an assumption: using the same sales techniques as 20 years ago does not lead to anything good. The world is moving faster, information is available in abundance to everyone and the relationship between the sales force and potential customers has changed a lot. Today the salesperson is no longer the main source of information, it does not serve to ‘explain’ the product to a buyer. The latter, in fact, already knows the product, having already read dozens of reviews on the Internet. The same persuasive approach is less effective than in the past: the buyer, already stressed and confused from the many sources of information, still has his own ideas and still needs to be convinced that you can be trusted.


Sales presentation: how to win the trust of the customer

Today, the successful sales agent is the one who manages to build a consulting relationship with the buyer, but also something more: a relationship of trust. Regardless of the sales strategy and personal attitudes, a salesperson must “win over” his customer if he wants to sell a product. How? He must not waste time, he must present solutions, he must obviously be very well prepared and ready to close the deal quickly. Today, the keys to the success of the sales force are therefore two: simplicity and proactivity.


How to promote a product

Presenting a product to a customer is never an easy task for a salesperson, but there are some rules to keep in mind to make sure you capture the customer’s attention and meet their expectations. Speed, simplicity and use of technology are the three points that a good salesperson must always keep in mind. Let’s see them in detail.

Less is more, even in sales

Simplification as a sales technique is essential for success. But putting it into action is not as simple as one might think: many salespeople, convinced of the need to win over the customer, show him not only preparation (which is not bad), but also the willingness to indulge his choices. To do this, they present an infinite number of variations, mixes, available options, customizations, and so on. In this way, they hope, the buyer will recognize their ‘closeness to the cause’, their availability and will consider them trusted consultants. This, which is perfectly logical, unfortunately does not happen often, and the reason is precisely the fact that buyers want solutions and speed. For this reason, when we talk about simplicity and proactivity we are not referring to two separate techniques but to pieces that constitute the real ‘secret’ to selling more.

Simplifying to sell a product

Simplifying does not mean being less competitive, far from it. If the salesperson knows the customer’s needs, the buying process and any obstacles that will try to slow it down, a salesperson can play the combined card of proactivity and simplicity. In fact, proposing solutions perfectly tailored to customer’s needs, and explaining any obstacles that may arise along the process, in such a way as to make it as fluid as possible is a good move. In this way the salesman will get the best possible result: he will be immediately perceived as a trusted consultant, as the one who proposes solutions, prevents problems and simplifies the sales process by presenting only what is really needed. Without wasting time.

Simplification and technology

Proactivity and simplification, but above all the latter, go hand in hand with technology. Because talking about simplification and then presenting yourself in front of a customer with paper catalogs and price lists (perhaps out of date) is certainly not the best of simplification. And the same goes for drawing up contracts by hand and then having to correct them because they are based on incorrect information. To achieve the goal, that is, to sell a product, you need the right preparation, the right attitude and the right tools. To be quick and efficient, a sales management software is therefore your best bet. All the product and marketing materials are on the platform, they are always up to date and there is no risk of a wrong price or an unauthorized configuration. But above all, you can present yourself to the customer with offers that meet his needs and do not require any specific authorization. With the use of Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ) tools, the quote is made in an instant, the customer trusts it because they recognize the seller’s ability to meet a need or solve a problem, and can sign the contract on the tablet and that’s it. Now it is clear how much proactivity and simplification facilitate the work of the salesman and allow him to obtain great satisfaction, even in a fast and stressful world like the present one.

How to introduce yourself to a new customer

Once you understand how to promote a new product and prepare the right marketing pitch, you must also remember that knowing how to present yourself in the right way to a new customer is equally important. The seller will have to be good at introducing himself, presenting his brand and convincing his customer that he is not trying to sell him something, but is offering him a personalized consultancy service with the aim of solving a problem. So how can you do this? The answer is very simple. Get ready for the meeting only after having thoroughly studied the customer, the target audience, their pain point and their possible objections, then you can be confident that your presentation will capture the attention and confidence of the prospect.



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