Sales Agenda

How to manage the salesperson's agenda in the most effective way.

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The agenda is designed to help salesreps efficiently organize their workday. It consists into two main sections: tasks and events.

The first one allows each agent to log on and view the week's appointments in real time, to get an up-to-date overview of meetings. The second section, on the other hand, allows telesellers to use the system to generate leads and set appointments directly in the salesperson's calendar.


Agenda benefits

To each seller their own agenda

Each agent can access Apparound from their own device (smartphone, tablet, or web browser) and view their schedule in real-time.

All appointments are highlighted in the calendar, providing an up-to-date overview of scheduled meetings.

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Efficient Task and deadline management

Sellers can easily track and manage their tasks within the tool. This functionality allows them to schedule follow-ups, meetings, and other sales activities, giving sellers a comprehensive view of their daily operations. Additionally, managing deadlines through reminders ensures full compliance with commitments.


Lead Generation and appointment management

Tele-selling agents can use the integrated system to generate leads and schedule appointments directly in their schedule.

When a lead shows interest, the agent can create an event (appointment) with the relevant details (date, time, customer information) directly from the interface.


Automatic reminders and real-time updates

The integrated system sends automatic reminders to both agents and contacts. Agents receive reminders for upcoming calls or meetings, improving punctuality. Leads receive reminders about scheduled appointments, reducing no-shows.


Frequently Asked Questions

With the "agenda view" feature, each agent has a complete overview of his calendar: daily, weekly or monthly. The visualization allows agents to view scheduled appointments, helping them to plan efficiently and avoid conflicts.

Creating an appointment is really simple. You simply enter the title of the event, the start and end date, with the relevant time, and the event is complete. In addition, you can associate the event with a client or sales opportunity to keep everything connected.

With API integration, call centers can schedule appointments without direct agent involvement, simplifying lead management. In addition, events created via API through external systems cannot be modified. Simply put: extreme security and no risk of accidental modification.

The system tracks call results, appointment conversions, and customer engagement. Using a dashboard, managers can analyze performance metrics and optimize their strategies.