Fast and error-free
generated contracts

Generate contracts in just a few minutes: it's possible!

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The Contract Generator feature makes it quick and easy to generate error-free contracts quickly during the meeting with the prospect. Thanks to preset rules, no additional back-office checking is needed, saving time and resources.

Contract Generator benefits

Apply preset prices and discounts

Convenience and speed are at the heart of Contract Generator: sales reps can set up the contract during the first meeting with the customer, with a reduced margin of error, thanks to pre-approved pricing and discounting rules.


Customized contracts with brand guidelines

The feature allows a high degree of personalization of the offer, as well as a customizable graphic design, consistent with the company's image and style, for a better brand percep-tion for customers.


Attach essential documents

In addition to the generation of an error-free contract, the system provides a simple and dynamic way of inserting attachments. This allows the vendor to present a complete offer in every aspect.


Maximize time through software integration

The module provides seamless integration with business software such as ERP and CRM. This allows to find and enter the correct data, reducing the time spent on the negotiation.


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, absolutely. It is possible to complete the contract by adding further data and attachments such as a copy of the identity document, the last invoice, etc. From the Admin Portal it is possible to customize the structure of the contracts and define which attachments can be optional and which are mandatory.

Once you build the contract if the customer is not ready to sign or the person, you’re meeting with is not eligible to sign, you can send the contract per email.

Yes. When generating the contract, you can review with the customer a first summary of costs and discounts and make changes if needed, modify prices or apply new discounts. The offers and contracts generated are therefore commercially validated and free of errors, thus reducing any subsequent checks. Both the offer and the contract can be sent with a simple click.